28 شهریور 1403

مرکز تحقیقات کیفیت آب

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

  • تاریخ انتشار : 1402/09/22 - 09:51
  • تعداد بازدید کنندگان خبر : 30
  • زمان مطالعه : کمتر از یک دقیقه

Prediction models for groundwater quality parameters using a multiple linear regression (MLR): a case study of Kermanshah, Iran

Title: Prediction models for groundwater quality parameters using a multiple linear regression (MLR): a case study of Kermanshah, Iran
Author(s): Dargahi, P., Nasseri, S., Hadi, M., Nodehi, R.N., Mahvi, A.H.
Published/Type: 2023 / Original Article
Journal: Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering21(1), pp. 63-71
Groundwater is one of the major sources of exploitation in arid and semiarid regions. Spatial and temporal quality distribution is an important factor in groundwater management. Thus for protecting groundwater quality, data production on spatial and temporal distribution is essential. The present study has applied multiple linear regression (MLR) techniques to predict the fitness of groundwater quality in Kermanshah province, west of Iran. The parameters examined were Total dissolved solids (TDS),...
View at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40201-022-00836-9


  • Article_DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s40201-022-00836-9
  • نویسندگان : #mahdi hadi,#simin_nasseri
  • گروه خبری : پژوهش,مقالات علمی
  • کد خبر : 240403
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